Monday 17 June 2019

Don't Expect Any 'Fast, Effective Relief' From This Rennie...

A convicted armed robber was given a last chance to avoid prison after ...
Declaring his intention to go straight? Saving an orphan from a house fire? Impressing the judge with his commitment to his aged mother?
...failing to show up for community service.
Judge David Rennie accepted the case had exceptional circumstances and imposed a two-year suspended prison sentence, with 300 hours of unpaid work and 30 rehabilitation sessions with the Positive Futures Programme.
Oh, yes! I remember this case now.
But last week, Bassett, now 22, appeared back before the judge at Hove Crown Court after failing to attend the unpaid work days.
Andrew Stephens, prosecuting, said Bassett has only completed 37 hours of unpaid work in the past year, leaving 263 hours outstanding. He said the probation have had no contact with him since April, and believed all options had been exhausted.
Except one, of course. But heaven forfend the judge actually does what he's put in place to do!
Judge Rennie invited a tearful Bassett into the witness box to explain why he should be allowed to continue with unpaid work, despite being brought before the courts for breaches in November and February, and most recently in April.
He didn't even bother with any inventive excuse. Why should he, after all?
Bassett, formerly of Hailsham, said: “I messed up, I know I have messed up badly. All I can do is apologise.
He knew it wasn't worth the effort.
Judge Rennie said: “If we meet again, you will be sending yourself to prison.”
He'll have to. You clearly won't!


  1. "He'll have to. You clearly won't!"

    Most excellent!

  2. He isn't very likely to be able to hold down a real job either if he thinks it's ok to only turn up when he feels like it.

  3. See my comment on the previous post - and add cretinism to the pre-requisites.

  4. "Most excellent!"


    "He isn't very likely to be able to hold down a real job either if he thinks it's ok to only turn up when he feels like it."

    All part of the cunning plan to avoid work?

    "...and add cretinism to the pre-requisites."

    Indeed... *sighs*
