Monday 10 June 2019

They Gave The Wrong Bitch The Needle...

Emma Butler, who has 38 previous convictions for 78 offences, was ordered to keep her bitch muzzled after it previously attacked a cop who was searching her home back in 2015.
Butler denied police orders, however, when she took the six-year-old dog to a One Stop shop on Hillside Road, Huyton, without its mouth gear on March 1, Liverpool Echo reports.
I think that's 'defied' police orders. And 'mouth gear'?

Are they getting stories edited by people with English as a second language now in Scousetown?
The victim, two-years-old, bent down to pet the dog while her mother shopped at the store, Liverpool Crown Court heard. It was at this point that the dog went for the child, biting her face and leaving her left cheek scarred.
Who, apart from the idiot owner and the mother who wasn't watching her child, is responsible for this?
Butler received a suspended sentence for the dog’s first attack on the police officer and the court heard that she had a history of breaching court orders.
So they just piled more on and hoped for the best?
Cheryl Mottram, defending, said: "She is quite frankly devastated by the incident and the fact that a young child has been injured in this way and that it will have an ongoing effect on the young child and her nervousness around animals particularly dogs.
"As an animal lover, she feels deeply sorry for that impact."
If she was a genuine animal lover, why wouldn't she ensure that her 'pet' wasn't in a position to harm anyone and so sign its own death warrant?
Mottram urged the judge to impose a suspended sentence, because of the harmful effect Butler being jailed would have on her children.
Her request was denied however, as the judge said he had to balance Butler's interests again the seriousness of the incident.
Butler was jailed for 15 months and her dog will be destroyed.
I'm inclined to think that sentence is the wrong way round...


  1. "I'm inclined to think that sentence is the wrong way round...

    I'm inclined to agree with you.
