Friday 26 July 2019

I'll Tell You What's 'Unjust', Your Honour...'s that this probably isn't grounds for immediate deportation:
Shofi, an asylum seeker who needed a Bengali interpreter for the court hearing, said: “You are not police. You can’t make me do this.”
He then drew out the kitchen knife and threatened: “I will stab you,” and held it towards the Travel Safe Officer’s face.
The officer called 999 and the police arrived to find Shofi holding the knife by his side on the platform.
Not, as you might expect, armed officers. Just Taser. Which they didn't use until they had to:
The police struck Shofi on the hand with a baton but he continued to keep hold of the weapon. When he moved closer to an officer, he was Tasered.
Any other country's police would have used real ammo. And removed this problem for good.
Judge David Hatton QC said the Travel Safe Officer was distressed and alarmed by the experience.
Parliament had dictated that Shofi should be jailed for at least six months for the offence unless it was “unjust” to do so.
You surely can't think...?
Judge Hatton said it was an isolated incident, wholly out if character, from a man with no previous convictions.
In this country. What do you know about what he's done in his home country?
A psychiatrist had concluded that Shofi was vulnerable with a history of mental illness and the judge said it would be unjust to impose an immediate prison term.


  1. At least he was tasered.

  2. Yep, I'm all for the BoJo wave of optimism, but even if he's as good as he sounds, we still have a country riddled with twerps like David Hatton and with absurd liberal assumptions - like the ubiquitous 'mental illness' = innocent - baked in.

  3. How did they know he had a history of mental illness? Did they find out about this from factual evidence or from Shofi himself? If he had a history, what did he do previously?
    Prisons are full of people with mental illness. Why did this one get off? So he is an asylum seeker. If he's unwell how's he going to work in this country? Another burden for the state.

  4. The blighter seems to have a good enough command of English when he wanted to.

  5. Just shoot the swine. I'm sure there's enough of us to have a whip-round for the cost of the ammo ;)

  6. "..but even if he's as good as he sounds, we still have a country riddled with twerps like David Hatton.."

    It's an Augean Stables, and I doubt Priti is up to it, despite her rhetoric. Which, I note, she's already toning down.

    "So he is an asylum seeker. If he's unwell how's he going to work in this country? Another burden for the state."

    Yup. Dig deep, citizen!

    "The blighter seems to have a good enough command of English when he wanted to."

    They always do...

    "I'm sure there's enough of us to have a whip-round for the cost of the ammo ;)"

    Follow the Chinese example!
