Wednesday 3 July 2019

Oh. I Recognise Him, It's Whatsisname!

Masterful! How can it fail..?
Detective Chief Inspector Mick Norman, who is leading the investigation said: "The release of this footage is the next step in what has been a fast-paced, and extremely challenging investigation.
"We need to identify the man shown in the footage urgently, even if only to eliminate him from our enquiries. I need to hear from anyone who knows who he is. If this is you, it is imperative that you contact my team immediately."
If you can recognise yourself from that, contact Mensa too!


  1. Well at least the terrible quality saved the police from having to pixelate the image to protect his 'uman rights.

  2. Maybe they should fit the cameras they have in Salisbury as the film of the Russian poisoners was better than my HD telly.

  3. What are you talking about? It's quite obviously Captain Kirk -

  4. I would suggest Gary Linecker. He's probably innocent, but anything that could wipe the smile off that smug, shifty little face, is OK by me.

  5. "Well at least the terrible quality saved the police from having to pixelate the image to protect his 'uman rights."


    "Maybe they should fit the cameras they have in Salisbury as the film of the Russian poisoners was better than my HD telly."

    You'd think there'd be less need in sleepy Salisbury too...

    "It's quite obviously Captain Kirk "


    "I would suggest Gary Linecker. He's probably innocent, but anything that could wipe the smile off that smug, shifty little face, is OK by me."

    I like the way you think... ;)
