Wednesday 31 July 2019

Post Of The Month

It's another draw. LegIron on the last days of Teresa's undistinguished career, and Longrider on the press mishandling of the rail deaths.


  1. LOngrider's article was something that caught my attention earlier. On the railways, these incidents are called headbangers. Apparently, staff attending them get 4 months compassionate leave afterwards, and they are sufficiently common that it's worth attending 3 per year if you have a strong stomach.

    Personally, I think the guy should have known better, and the penalty, which will be paid by farepayers, is a travesty.

    Fuckwit tops himself would have been a better head-line.

  2. " Apparently, staff attending them get 4 months compassionate leave afterwards..."

    I'm not sure I could ever set foot in a train afterwards!
