Tuesday 16 July 2019

That's Like Killing Your Parents And Demanding Clemency Because You're An Orphan...

Lucy Daniels, representing the teenage defendant, who is now heavily pregnant, asked for her to be spared a prison sentence.
Ms Daniels said the fact the baby survived the ordeal should be taken into account.

Thankfully, the judge was having none of it this time:
Lady Justice Simler replied: 'It was not because they pulled back. It was more luck than judgement.
'The intended harm was the snuffing out of a life.'
If only she'd wanted to snuff out that life, though, the NHS would have been glad to assist.
Lady Justice Simler jailed Pearson for 11 years and sentenced McKenna to ten years in prison.
The teenage defendant received four years long term detention.
Some moderately decent sentences for once.


  1. The very worst scum surface from life's sewers in possession of little more than 'colourful' names. Harief and Kydie would equally grace a Wagnerian opera or a Tempestuous tragicomedy.

  2. How on Earth did that become pregnant? I presume she must have given the father's guide dog w whole load of dog biscuits.

  3. While I agree the sentences are not as grotesquely inadequate as some, I'd say that a zero on each of them would not be excessive for a cynical, vicious crime such as that detailed. Just awful.

  4. "The very worst scum surface from life's sewers in possession of little more than 'colourful' names."

    The #chavname phenomenon functions like a wasp or poisonous snake's bright colours - as a warning.

    "I presume she must have given the father's guide dog w whole load of dog biscuits."


    "...a zero on each of them would not be excessive for a cynical, vicious crime such as that detailed."

    Good point.
