Tuesday 2 July 2019

The PC PCs Strike Again....

The force said the man detained at the scene was taken to hospital after it is believed he suffered a medical emergency.
I always assumed that a 'medical emergency' was a heart attack, stroke, premature labour. Something of that ilk.

Never in a million years would I have dreamed it would one day mean 'nutcase on the loose with a knife'.
The dog only joined Staffordshire Police in early April, after passing the 13-week training course with handler PC Karl Mander. 
Chief Inspector Donna Harvey, from Staffordshire Police, said: 'Police dogs are our family, not property, and our thoughts are with the dog and his handler at this time.'
The dog showed a lot more courage and dedication to duty than the rest of the 'family'. At least it got stuck in!
New legislation also known as 'Finn's Law' came into force last month, which gives greater protection to all service animals.
The legislation introduced tougher penalties for those convicting of harming police dogs and horses.
Nutters, however, will get away with it...


  1. You are missing the point, JuliaM. Training animals to attack and maim humans, is morally indefensible.

  2. Won't be long before someone is prosecuted for hurling abuse at Plods dogs or horses. You see species-ism is a hate crime.

  3. On the other hand, if one of the feckers attacked me for no reason it could expect at the very least a good kicking, and it's dog as well.

  4. At Anon:

    "...it could expect at the very least a good kicking, and it's dog as well."

    Tea spillage to report...and still laughing.

  5. "Training animals to attack and maim humans, is morally indefensible."

    Hmmm, really? Sometimers, there's no alternative. I'd be happy if they just shot nutters, mind you.
