Saturday 17 August 2019

And After That, Talking To Your Passengers..?

Tougher restrictions on drivers using mobile phones, including extending the ban to hands-free devices, should be considered, MPs have said. The transport select committee said using any type of mobile phone while driving had potentially catastrophic consequences.
Although it acknowledged there would be practical challenges, it recommended that the government launch a public consultation on criminalising the use of hands-free devices by drivers.
But people are still driving around using mobiles in a non-hands free manner with impunity. I see one or two every day, if not more.

And why? Because there's no enforcement.
Motoring organisations the RAC and the AA backed calls for a review and said enforcement was a crucial factor.
Edmund King, the AA president, said: “Offenders think the chance of being caught is minimal. Following a reduction of specialist traffic officers by a third, a good deterrent would be to have more cops in cars targeting those tempted to pick up the phone.”
Only one problem: how are they going to report their arrest? They'll have to pull over, because what's the difference between a hands-free mobile, and a radio?


  1. Yet it is legal to use a radio (ham or cb)

    The law is an ass !

  2. And would these new rules apply to the sub-species of road users known as "pedestrians" and "cyclists"?

  3. Or emergency service radio

  4. As mentioned by Anon at 15.18, how would single crewed Police units communicate with their control rooms? I suppose they could always go back 60 odd years and call in to see if their were any messages, though that would involve, in the present day, the officer pulling over, switching their engines off, removing the keys from the ignition, and then making the call.
    They could always double crew the cars, but this would mean the senior ranks would no longer be able to fool the public into thinking there were more Police officers than there really are.

  5. Well you know Politicians, always trying to make a name for themselves...

  6. As Richard Atkins QC, Chair of Bar Council, recently observed: "Whilst hypocritical Plod look to expand their stock of profitable motoring traps, real criminals are going about their business unchallenged."

  7. only 2 a day? Stand on the main road leading into town at the end of the street i live and you'll see 2 every 15 minutes at least. Enforcement - you're having a laff.

  8. Singing along to music and nodding like a rocker.
    How many reality TV programmes have you seen with the emergency services driver talking into radio mike, tapping on a video information screen, checking the OCR of speed(of other motorists) detector.
    Gander n, goose, sauce.

  9. Singing along to music and nodding like a rocker.
    How many reality TV programmes have you seen with the emergency services driver talking into radio mike, tapping on a video information screen, checking the OCR of speed(of other motorists) detector.
    Gander n, goose, sauce.

  10. It isn't about enforcement it is about control. They make so many laws that people ignore but when they have a target, Tommy Robinson for example, they can get him for so many things he probably doesn't even know are illegal. They can hound whoever they wish to the ends of the earth using the laws of this mickey mouse land.

    We have spend millions putting 20mph zones in, in many places you couldn't really get past 20 anyway with the cars staggered down the roads. Next will be booking cars for parking on pavements. A good earner there.

    We really are dumb. We vote in these people to persecute us and not the criminal class as they are the criminal class. Just the upper end of it.

  11. Come on, you lot. The law doesn't apply to coppers, unless his/her boss wants to shaft him/her.

    Julia, let's have some posts on coppers walking free after killing someone on a joyriding chase ...

  12. LordT: In London it is illegal by default to park with any wheels on the pavement unless there are signs permitting it. Believe it is decriminalised, so a nice earner for local councils

  13. Ah, but police are TRAINED how to use a radio safely aren't they? It's utter codswallop of course. Just as dangerous as using a phone. They are not supermen. Do we stop talking to our passengers and not listen to the radio including traffic broadcasts?

  14. "Yet it is legal to use a radio (ham or cb)

    The law is an ass !"

    Does CB radio still go on?

    "And would these new rules apply to the sub-species of road users known as "pedestrians" and "cyclists"?"

    I'd pay to see that enforced!

    "They could always double crew the cars, but this would mean the senior ranks would no longer be able to fool the public into thinking there were more Police officers than there really are."

    Heh! But it doesn't matter how many we have, it's whether they do the job they are paid to do that counts.

    "only 2 a day? Stand on the main road leading into town at the end of the street i live and you'll see 2 every 15 minutes at least."


    "Gander n, goose, sauce."


  15. "It isn't about enforcement it is about control. They make so many laws that people ignore but when they have a target, Tommy Robinson for example, they can get him for so many things he probably doesn't even know are illegal."

    Spot on!

    "Julia, let's have some posts on coppers walking free after killing someone on a joyriding chase ..."

    I'm pretty sure I have in the past.

    "Ah, but police are TRAINED how to use a radio safely aren't they? It's utter codswallop of course. "

    Yes, that wonderful 'training' that just doesn't seem to stick with some...

  16. Lord T, you must be psychic:
    "MPs call for pavement parking ban across England"
