Monday 26 August 2019

"I Have Spawned, Worship Me!"

A quarter of parking spaces reserved for parents with children are being abused by other drivers.
An investigation by comparison website found 26 per cent of bays observed were used by someone without a child in the car.
It appears drivers are wrongly taking advantage of parent and child parking spaces, leaving mums and dads battling to find spaces with young children in tow.
There's remarkably little sympathy in the comments, with most people sympathetic to disabled spaces, but finding parent & child priority a step too far.
The company asked drivers why they abused the rules, with the most popular response being they ‘wanted to park close to the entrance’.
We all do. Why should those who have procreated get first dibs?


  1. I don't recall these parent and child spaces being around when my sprog was small. I don't recall having any problems either.

  2. Forget the parking spaces I'm waiting for the first supermarket to introduce a child free morning/afternoon. It would be packed

  3. The Monteagle Surgery in Yateley (Hants) has a single disabled parking bay, right next to the entrance. The signpost notes that it is for use by the disabled 'except when the car park is full'. This is bizarre, and shows that no-one give a flying f*** for the disabled, since surely the point of this isn't just to let a disabled person have a short walk, but it prevents them from needing an extremely long one 'when the car park is full'.

    I'd be prepared to bet that the surgery doesn't stagger appointments for disabled patients, but expects disabled patients to stagger!

  4. "I don't recall having any problems either."

    Me neither.

    " I'm waiting for the first supermarket to introduce a child free morning/afternoon."

    Ooh, and then the rail companies could do the same!

    "The signpost notes that it is for use by the disabled 'except when the car park is full'. This is bizarre, and shows that no-one give a flying f*** for the disabled..."

    I've never seen one with conditions!
