Sunday 18 August 2019

Now, That'd Be Worth Watching!

Wouldn't it?


  1. 'He was more than one in a billion, he was one in a trillion.'

    There are obviously more pikeys than I thought! (Although there's one less now).

  2. Even their own countrymen detest them: we're the only idiots who elevate them to the status of protected species. If only we had a politician with the backbone to ignore the undeserved-but-inevitable epithets hurled by the Left/SJWs and assorted camp-followers, and properly deal with this problem...

    Like Dr King, "I have a dream."...

  3. " (Although there's one less now)."

    And so say all of us!

    "Like Dr King, "I have a dream."..."

    Sadly, I think that's all it's destined to be. The march through the institutions didn't even stop for coffee...
