Sunday 4 August 2019

Otherwise Known As 'A Rifle'...

During the episode, the cooking specialist went hunting to follow the tradition of the Maori people. In one scene, Gordon shot dead a goat on a hill with a rifle-styled gun...


  1. And when where rifled styled gun type thingys part of the Maori weaponry? Hit and batter it with a big stick until it stops wriggling. Today we have KFC- a different type of batter, eh bro?

  2. At one time I believed that most DM Online "journalists" were, at best, YTS intakes. Recent months have made me begin to wonder if any of them have actually progressed beyond primary school.

  3. 'Goat'...a new four letter word to add to this dilettante's vocabulary. You have to be pretty dumb to appear on his 'show' but there is ever a chance that some disturbed psycho will respond to crude, cultural turbulence by battering him into a vegetative state with a frying-styled pot.

  4. I recall a episode of his with reindeer the guy whistled and the herd came they selected one and shot it no hunting skill at all.

  5. He shot a goat styled quadraped

  6. "And when where rifled styled gun type thingys part of the Maori weaponry?"

    Seeing Gordon chasing a goat with a club would have been a lot more entertaining, it's true...

    " hunting skill at all...."

    'Vegetarian' - an old Maori word for 'bad hunter' :)
