Friday 30 August 2019

PETA:"We Kill The Most Animals In Need Of Help!"

RSPCA:"Hold our beer..."
Crews were called after the animal was found trapped in an old water tank on Tuesday.
After pulling him out of the cold water firefighters bypassed advice to have the animal put down and instead performed CPR and used animal oxygen masks to bring him back to life.
Good for them! Useful practice.
Lorraine March from Kent Wildlife Rescue Service was at the scene, in Chatham, Kent.
"The work the firefighters did was amazing, they spent 40 minutes working on it.
"They called the RSPCA who said they were available but suggested the crew took it to the nearest vet to have it put down."
Should have told them you had a camera crew in tow, they'd have been out so fast it'd make your head spin.


  1. For Fox Sake!

    Ask the local Hunt, and they'd have been round in seconds, hounds, horses, red jackets, posh accents, trumpets - the lot!


  2. The RSPCA has a bloated "management" structure with high top salaries. Prevention of cruelty should start with themselves, as they'll kill rather than nurture strays, (not fatally) injured and malnourished animals brought to them for care.

    They are a great example of what happens to a charity, originally with noble intentions, which has been taken over by Common Purpose careerists, blinkered within the bureaucracy they serve to its original aims.

    If approached by one of their "Chuggers" in the street, I ask, "What is the CEO's salary?" If they persist it's, "What percentage of donations go to front-line animal protection?" Some actually run away!

  3. "Ask the local Hunt, and they'd have been round in seconds"

    In Chatham? Blimey, what would the use? Pitbulls?

    "The RSPCA has a bloated "management" structure with high top salaries. Prevention of cruelty should start with themselves..."

    It's long, long past time they had the Royal Warrant removed...
