Friday 16 August 2019

They Never Stop...

You thought they'd give up at plastic shopping bags? Where have you been...?
High-street stores and online retailers hand out hundreds of millions of hangers every year – even though the overwhelming majority cannot be recycled and around half of them end up in landfill or the ocean.
And, of course, the answer is to soak the public. Again.
There is growing support for a war on plastic hangers, with politicians, campaign groups and even the hanger industry itself demanding a compulsory 5p charge, similar to the successful levy on plastic bags. The hanger mountain has been described as a scandal ‘hidden in plain sight’.
The real scandal is how we are allowing ourselves to be driven into bankruptcy by green campaigners...


  1. "Cannot be recycled and around half of them end up in landfill or the ocean"

    Being plastic, they're also no use as car aerials! Mind you, there aren't many Cortinas & Capris left on the roads now...

  2. Now that plastic bags are made from thicker material so they last longer, the amount of plastic used nationwide has actually increased!

    When I buy wooden hangers (never naughty plastic ones), I always consider planting a tree to compensate for my wilful destruction of the planet. But the ghastly features of a green MP flash before my eyes and I forget it.

  3. Perhaps the answer is to stop women buying so many clothes?

  4. I suppose that the demand for wire hangers fell when abortion was legalised ...

  5. Perhaps the answer is to force the greens to live by their own rules.

  6. Why not use cardboard hangers? They used to have them in mental hospitals but they found out you could still do some damage with them. They'd be alright in shops though.

  7. "Mind you, there aren't many Cortinas & Capris left on the roads now..."

    Living in Essex, I often see a few heading to classic car shows...

    "When I buy wooden hangers (never naughty plastic ones), I always consider planting a tree to compensate..."

    Why DID wooden hangers go out of fashion?

    "Perhaps the answer is to stop women buying so many clothes?"

    *sharp intake of breath* Brave...

    "I suppose that the demand for wire hangers fell when abortion was legalised ..."


    "Why not use cardboard hangers?"

    A marketing opportunity!
