Tuesday 6 August 2019

Wait, Don't They Know Who Was At The Scene?

A former carer who worked with the young man, told The Sun: 'He's one of the most difficult and challenging mental patients I've ever encountered.
'He suffers from schizophrenia and has a tendency towards violence. He is stockily built — about 5ft 10in tall — and gets angry when he is denied something that he wants or is told what to do.
'Something must have gone seriously wrong at the Tate because he's not allowed out unless accompanied by at least two support staff. There will have to be a serious inquiry into what he was doing there.'
Yeah, so the NHS mental health service can 'learn lessons'. Again
Police are investigating whether the teenager escaped from his secure unit or managed to get free of one of his carers, and have confirmed mental health was being explored as a line of inquiry.
They don't know yet? Surely that's the sort of thing that they could find out in 5 minutes?


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that any mental staff that were accompanying this guy were forbidden to physically restrain him, so effectively you have a dangerous animal being walked in public that cannot be controlled by its handlers if it chooses to attack someone. Which in my experience of mental health 'professionals' sums up their attitude - an over emphasised consideration of the 'rights' of the patient, and a complete lack of consideration for the safety of the public.

  2. Isn't he the reason we had asylums?

  3. Would society be better or worse off if bastards like this were topped?

  4. "They don't know yet? Surely that's the sort of thing that they could find out in 5 minutes?"

    I think we are all aware that the police know exactly the whats and whys of this one. The delay is purely down to the time it's taking putting together the wordage of the statement which exonerates everybody. After all, if you work for - or run part of - the NHS you're, by definition, a saint - even if you've got blood on your hands.

  5. "Effing outrageous."

    And all forgotten as the papers move on to the next outrage.. :(

    "I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that any mental staff that were accompanying this guy were forbidden to physically restrain him..."

    Nope, me neither. In which case, he shouldn't have been out at all.

    "Isn't he the reason we had asylums?"

    And got rid of them, because it was 'inhumane'.

    "I think we are all aware that the police know exactly the whats and whys of this one. The delay is purely down to the time it's taking putting together the wordage of the statement which exonerates everybody."

    Oh, yes! Many expensive PR consultants will be employed on this.
