Thursday 26 September 2019

"And The Oscar For Best Performance Goes To...."

Mr Becker said Gelling regretted the crass comments made in the police interview about not caring for Mr Marginov's welfare.
He said: "The defendant is extremely remorseful. He regrets and is ashamed of the comments he made to the police and was distressed when he learned the life support machine had been switched off."
Yes, of course he is. That's why he had to be handcuffed to a security guard after attempting to escape the court.
After pleading guilty to the crime, Gelling was jailed for six years, with an extended four years on licence.
This type of sentence means he will serve a minimum of two thirds of the prison term - four years - behind bars, before a parole board will consider whether it is safe to release him.
What are the odds..?

H/T: Chris Hobbs via Twitter


  1. Why are these solicitors allowed to get away with lying to the court like this? We all know they're lying, they know they're lying, the defendant isn't one jot remorseful at all, its utter fabrication.

  2. Perhaps there is some rationale behind one's dislike of ginger cnuts?

  3. "We all know they're lying, they know they're lying..."

    Because no-one seems to want to prove it?
