Friday 6 September 2019

Feel The Enrichment!

The 19-year-old told police he was trying to buy a drink priced at £1.40 but an argument erupted after a shop assistant charged him 60p more.
The customer was then stabbed in the abdomen with a 4cm-long salad knife before the suspect fled.
As the police dealt with the stabbing, a relative of the victim and another staff member were seen fighting.
The stabbing triggered a manhunt with police appealing for help finding 41-year old Turkish national Halil Ates wanted on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.
Aren't we so lucky in London?
At a meeting of Newham Council's licensing sub-committee on Thursday, August 15, councillors agreed to suspend the shop's alcohol licence.
Should have closed it all down...
Four staff members failed to co-operate with officers after they requested access to the shop's CCTV, police documents show.
Officers seized the footage but it failed to show the attack while a second CCTV system in the shop's ceiling had been tampered with.
Gosh. It's almost as if our laws aren't respected, isn't it?

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