Sunday 22 September 2019

Guardian Writer: "Eradicate These Plucky Immigrants Who Crossed The Water To A Safe Home!"



  1. What's the difference between a weasel and a stoat?

    Weasels are weaselly distinguished, but stoats are stoatally different ...

  2. Crikey, Anon. A A Milne couldn't have put it better

  3. It is weird that the very same people who are all in favour of open borders when it comes to human animals, become highly xenophobic when dealing with all other animals and indeed plants. Lots of stuff about preserving native species and needing to eradicate invasive species.

  4. MTG, Could easily be A A Milne, I claim no originality in it, but just as we no longer cite the source if it is the Bible or Shakespeare, perhaps we don't have to attribute sources if they are trivia?

  5. "Weasel words?"

    *high fives*

    "Lots of stuff about preserving native species and needing to eradicate invasive species."

    Cognitive dissonance, it's what's for dinner!

    "...perhaps we don't have to attribute sources if they are trivia?"

    Not on this blog ;)
