Friday 20 September 2019

Normal For Eastwood

And always will be, so long as idiots like this are tolerated:
Councillor Paul Collins added: “Moving forward we need to try and understand why these people feel they need to carry a knife, and then eliminate that. That’s half the problem.”
What do Essex Police Farce say?
“We searched the area but were unable to find the people described. Enquiries are ongoing.”
Sounds about right.


  1. It's Essex so the witness probably did say “They couldn’t of been older than 15 to 16..." but surely the reporter could of [sic] spelt it correctly. Or don't they teach English like wot its rote in Essex?

  2. '...we are unable...'

    Never let it be said that a few gems of truth are impossible to find in a plod statement.

  3. Frank, sorry, but it should have read, "the reporter could have ...".
    But then, it is Essex.

  4. "...but surely the reporter could of [sic] spelt it correctly. Or don't they teach English like wot its rote in Essex?"

    You have seen 'TOWIE', haven't you..?!?
