Wednesday 18 September 2019

These 'Freak Accidents' Seem To Happen A Lot...

...and always to the same type of person. How queer!
Mrs Roy - who owns ELEVEN dogs - revealed that Mika has since been put down.
She said: "What needed to be done has been done and I can't do anything more.
"No amount of apology is going to bring that dog back.
"It's just a freak accident and there's nothing anyone can do about it, or will do about it, because it's nature."
For someone who claims to revere nature, she hasn't half spent a lot of money on not looking as nature intended...
Eleven dogs and a fortune on tattoos - she must have a very well-paying job, eh?

What are the people charged with protecting the public against morons like these doing?
Hampshire Constabulary confirmed a ‘number of enquiries’ were made at the time of the attack involving Dior on August 3.
A Portsmouth City Council spokeswoman added: "There was a joint visit to [Ms Roy's] property by the police, kennels staff and RSPCA where all the dogs were assessed and checked for microchips and work to resolve the situation is ongoing."
Ah. I think that's code for 'sod all'.

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