Monday 23 September 2019

You Must Know Who Has A Shotgun License In The Area....

An officer from Derbyshire police said Dom's brother had described the man as being in his late teens or early 20s. He wore a fleece.
The force is appealing for witnesses to come forward.
I mean, isn't this the sort of thing you hold those details for? So you can immediately remove the guns from the hands of morons who shouldn't own them?


  1. Wearing a fleece? Perhaps it was a sheep!

    And how do you know that Cuddles wasn't worrying some sheep - it's not always welsh men that do it, you know - or threatening a human adult or child? Or shitting in someone's garden?

    If the thing had been on a lead, and muzzled, it would have been safe.

    I feel sorry for the poor dog - a bit - but the owner must take a share of the responsibility.

  2. An application for a shotgun licence must include a passport type photograph but that safeguard is to no avail when Mr Plod is paid to lose it.

  3. If the fleece was golden, then the guy's first name might be Jason ...

  4. "And how do you know that Cuddles wasn't worrying some sheep..."

    Because that would be pretty quickly made clear in the report? And would be a cast iron defence?

    "If the fleece was golden, then the guy's first name might be Jason ..."

