Thursday 31 October 2019

Post Of The Month

Farenheit211 on the increasing ridiculousness of the police.


  1. The majority of 'smarter' citizens have already appreciated their taxes being swallowed in black hole proportions, by a totally ineffective police 'service'.

    Decent tax payers must thank Fahrenheit for his excellent research and eloquent article.

    Change? There could be nothing sadder and more damaging to our nation than the prevailing apathy towards ineffective policing.

  2. No pronouns.
    But a few nouns come to mind.
    But they would no doubt have an armed response team banging my door down.
    See Longrider's latest.

  3. Once Blair (and the other Blair) turned the Met into the paramilitary wing of the Labour Party, it was inevitable that all the others would follow:- they have a Common Purpose, after all.

  4. "There could be nothing sadder and more damaging to our nation than the prevailing apathy towards ineffective policing."

    I fully agree.

  5. "I fully agree".

    REALLY couldn't give a tinker's fart, JuliaM.
