Tuesday 1 October 2019

The Only Surprise Is That It's Not Judge Samantha Leigh...

Due to the prolonged and dangerous nature of his driving, the force control room discontinued the pursuit only for officers to be alerted that he had crashed near Chalkwell Park minutes later.
Witnesses described Turner as being distraught and asking his girlfriend to get out of the car before fleeing the scene and hiding in a nearby bush where he was later found and arrested.
Recorder Caudle added: “You shouted at her to get out but she couldn’t because she was trapped. You then abandoned her when police arrived and fled the scene.”
His girlfriend, who witnesses say could be heard sobbing, suffered serious injuries including a cut to her head and a broken pelvis and was trapped in the car for more than an hour. Once she had been freed, she was rushed to Southend Hospital. Medics felt there was sufficient concern about her injuries, which were initially considered life-threatening, to transfer to a specialist unit at the Royal London Hospital.
Turner, of Ness Road, Shoebury, admitted eight offences of causing serious injury by dangerous driving, driving under the influence of drugs, possession of cocaine and cannabis, failing to stop and report and no insurance or licence.
This chap'll not see daylight for a long time, surely?
He was sentenced to two years in a young offenders’ institute suspended for two years.
He was also banned from driving for two years, made subject of a four-month curfew and must complete 120 hours of unpaid work and 40 days of a rehabilitation activity.


  1. Turner was driving without insurance or licence. The "sentence" included a 2-year driving ban. Where do they find these idiots to occupy the bench and hand down this crap? Presumably from the Brenda Hale School of Law and Dance.

  2. Umbongo, dear chap, isn't the law an ass? Don't bother to answer, because it obviously is. The more sensible suspended sentence is to hang this little shit.

  3. Maybe the judge is hoping that he will re offend and off himself in the process. Anyone caught in the crossfire can be written off as collateral damage.

  4. "Where do they find these idiots to occupy the bench and hand down this crap? Presumably from the Brenda Hale School of Law and Dance."

    It's like that 'Simpsons' episode, isn't it? "We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas!"

    "Maybe the judge is hoping that he will re offend and off himself in the process."

    Poetic justice would be if he runs over the idiot judge!
