Thursday 3 October 2019

The Usual Suspects Pt 8735941

The images of five suspects who are wanted over an 'abhorrent' homophobic attack in a KFC restaurant have been issued by police.
Tattooed skinhead right wingers, surely? After all, we are constantly told they are the great threat.
The first suspect is described as black, wearing a black beanie, grey tracksuit, with dark elbow patches and a gilet-type jacket.
The second suspect was a light-skinned black male with a 'chin strap' beard and of a tall muscular build.
The third male was black, wearing a hoodie with white scribbles on it.
Another suspect was seen wearing a dark navy tracksuit with multiple white stripes on the legs.
The fifth suspect was of larger build than the other men, with curly, short hair, green tracksuit trousers and a black puffa-style jacket.


  1. That 'chinstrap beard' guy looks suspiciously like a Muslim to me. This sort of beard is often sported by some of Britain's more extreme and hateful Islamic guests which means that a religious motivation cannot at present be ruled out here.

  2. An interesting question might be 'How many of these men are named Mohammed?' (And am I the only one to wonder how Mo came to get 'ham' in his name?. Another interesting question relates to the appearance of the victims. I'm afraid that sometimes the appearance of people does provoke reactions, and declares their political views, sexual orientation, etc i a way that almost invites assault.

  3. This is why the second report is in the Mail, and not on the front page of the Guardian and all over the BBC news.

  4. Still, being in a KFC in Lambeth at 4am is probably not among the safest places to be. Some awareness of their surroundings and who lives there might do them some good, even if it offends their likely liberal beliefs.

    Survival before principles, and all that.

  5. "That 'chinstrap beard' guy looks suspiciously like a Muslim to me."

    Spot on! I thought the same.

    "Another interesting question relates to the appearance of the victims."

    Which I note, isn't mentioned...

    "This is why the second report is in the Mail, and not on the front page of the Guardian and all over the BBC news."

    Indeed! I'm surprised Google hasn't soft-blocked it...

    "Still, being in a KFC in Lambeth at 4am is probably not among the safest places to be."

    Even if you don't eat the food..? ;)
