Wednesday 6 November 2019

Don't Fancy This New Heston Blumenthal Recipe...

Lewis Parchment and Amelia Jenner, from Ursa Court in Lewes Road, Brighton, fear for the health of their two-year-old daughter and say they are “livid” with their housing association for “neglecting them”.
Lewis described the family’s disgust after finding “rat wee dripping right outside our front door”.
He said on one occasion they found their bin leaking with tinned spaghetti. He said: “A rat had obviously got in and smeared spaghetti hoops all over the back. This was in our actual kitchen. It was disgusting.”
Yes. Spaghetti hoops are disgusting. No wonder the rat didn't eat them!


  1. Rats have an enhanced sense of smell, as do other rodents and cats. Pour some bleach into the black bin bag before putting it in the bin. It worked during my Army days on exercise and operations, so can't see why it won't work today.

  2. Government funded Housing Associations fail to appreciate the total helplessness of their tenants. And what smells stronger than a rodent here, is the potential for things to get out of hand if recovery action is instituted for the obligatory rent arrears.

  3. "It worked during my Army days on exercise and operations..."

    They'd expect the council to supply the bleach...

    "Government funded Housing Associations fail to appreciate the total helplessness of their tenants. "

    God knows why, they must get reminded of it daily...
