Tuesday 17 December 2019

Let's Blame The LibDems!

It is a bitter pill for the community in Kensington North to swallow. This morning, almost 30 months since the fatal fire at that killed 54 adults and 18 children, the general election returned a Conservative MP, Felicity Buchan, by just 150 votes.
A swing of 9% to the Lib Dems in this strongly remain borough gave Gyimah more than 9,000 votes, splitting the vote.
Sure. It can't possibly be because the voters of Kensington are sick to the back teeth with the griefwhoring over Grenfell, can it?
If Buchan wants to last in Kensington, she will need to quickly familiarise herself with the commitments already given by council leaders, study the work set out in the Independent Taskforce reports, and deliver on promised change.
Or ignore it all. It's a gamble, but one she may just win...


  1. How desperate an attention-whore do you have to be to mark the 30-month 'anniversary' of anything?

  2. Grenfell will become the new Hillsborough.

  3. "How desperate an attention-whore do you have to be to mark the 30-month 'anniversary' of anything?"

    Well, given she's a 'writer and academic researcher', there's your answer!

    "Grenfell will become the new Hillsborough."

    They aren't done with the old one yet!
