Saturday 4 January 2020

How Dare You Step Off The Reservation!

Debbie Hayton, 51, a physics teacher in the Midlands, changed her gender from male to female in 2012.
She is now potentially facing expulsion from the LGBT+ committee of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) after wearing a t-shirt saying 'Trans women are men. Get over it.'
Ms Hayton wore the t-shirt at an event in July, organised by campaign group Fair Play for Women, as reported by The Sunday Times.
In August, 12 members of the committee sent a complaint about Ms Hayton to Frances O'Grady, the general secretary of the TUC.
It's 'You couldn't make it up' territory again, isn't it?

How dare this person have an opinion about an identity group (even one they themselves belong to) that's not sanctioned by the High Priests and Priestesses of the Movement?
Nicola Williams, founder of Fair Play for Women, told the newspaper: 'Accusations of transphobia are thrown at women so often for so little that the word has lost all meaning.
'When even trans people can get called transphobes, I hope people now understand how ludicrous and far-fetched these attacks have always been. The trans movement has been hijacked by gender extremists.'
If they do, what are they supposed to do about it? It's too late. The time to stop them would have been long ago.


  1. It's hard to avoid some Schadenfreude now these special interest groups are turning on each other!

  2. Good on Debbie for committing Wrongthink by stating an undeniable fact. I'm a nobody, but if ever I ever raised my head above the parapet would doubtless be lumped together with such heinous people as PayPal founder Peter Thiel, who according to Pink News "may have sex with men but is in no way gay". Works for me, cupcakes. These freaks need to be utterly defeated, ground into dust, and where they fall should be salted.

  3. "It's hard to avoid some Schadenfreude now these special interest groups are turning on each other!"

    It's inevitable. The only choice is when to buy the popcorn.

    "These freaks need to be utterly defeated, ground into dust, and where they fall should be salted."

    Sadly, as they provide what passes for 'news' these days, it's unlikely...

  4. bloke in Germany5 January 2020 at 08:36

    Ed, it's better than that. This is the vicarious offence takers (99.9% of the noise comes from them anyway) turning on a member of the protected classes. All zxe has to do is point out how white male cis and hetero the denouncers are, and win.
