Thursday 30 January 2020

I Decline To Engage In This Blame, Love...

Madonna Tempest spoke after a jury ruled yesterday her son had died by misadventure on September 29, 2018, from the combined effects of prescription drugs and the synthetic cannabinoid known as spice.
She said said: “Josh was a happy little boy always full of mischief. He was an all-rounder in sport and excelled in football.
“At the age of nine he was scouted by both Newcastle and Sunderland football teams. Josh had several demons and I constantly asked the GPs at his school for support around his anger issues, but to no avail. I took it upon myself to take him to anger management, which unfortunately did not help. As Josh grew so did his demons.”
No, you're not reading the words of a medieval peasant woman. The kid had mental health issues, he wasn't possessed.
Mr Scholick, who was treated by mental health services for a borderline personality disorder, also suffered from PTSD after a hammer attack to his skull left with brain damage.
I wonder how he came to suffer a hammer attack..?
Miss Tempest said: “He had severe anxiety, depression, paranoid episodes and psychosis which left him a vulnerable adult. He was much-loved by all of his family.
“I believe that all through of his life services have let him down and robbed him of his liberty. He is sorely missed by everyone who knew him.”
I think his own actions 'robbed him of his liberty', actually. And no, this is not another story of 'Tory cuts', despite the headlines:
On admission to HMP Durham in May 2018, Mr Scholick tested positive for opioid cannabinoids and Benzodiazepine.
He was referred to the mental health team, but declined to engage, the jury was told.