Monday 20 January 2020

I Fear That's A Bit Of A Tall Order...

Mr Rusius said that since the incidents Mustafa had tried to change his life and move forward.
"It would be a shame if all the good work he has done was undone by him being sent to prison," said Mr Rusius.
What good has he done in his life that could outweigh all this, then?
Mustafa, 43, of St Paul's Road, Nelson, pleaded guilty to affray, possessing an offensive weapon and criminal damage to a Volvo car belonging to Joseph Entwistle in April.
He also pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and with excess alcohol in February and driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop in May.
He'd better have risked his life to rescue a whole litter or orphaned children, or something...
He was sentenced to 24 weeks in prison suspended for 18 months with requirements to complete the Thinking Skills programme, 20 days of rehabilitation and 150 hours' unpaid work.
He was banned from driving for three years with a requirement that he passes a new test at the conclusion of the ban. He was also ordered to pay £2,000 compensation to Mr Entwistle.
Yes, after three years have passed, I'm sure he'll be fit to drive...


  1. "...Thinking Skills programme..."

    No doubt there is no assessment aforehand to ensure the miscreant has the requisite cerebral equipment.

  2. Going by the name, assume this waste of oxygen is a Muslim. Isn't alcohol had an to Muslims? If he won't obey the rules set by his religion of death, then what makes anyone think he'll obey the laws of a society he despises?
    Just because he's banned from driving, die can't mean he won't.
    Being ordered to pay compensation makes it a civil debt which means he will have to be taken to court, at the expense of the degree, and he Probably still won't pay.
    Either jail him or send him back to the shithole he came from.

  3. "No doubt there is no assessment aforehand to ensure the miscreant has the requisite cerebral equipment."

    Or the court staff...

    "Being ordered to pay compensation makes it a civil debt which means he will have to be taken to court, at the expense of the degree, and he Probably still won't pay."

    Oh, yes. He'll be 'farmed' by the public sector like a prized Jersey cow. For months and months.
