Monday 6 January 2020

It Would Have To Be Liverpool, Wouldn't It?

A six-year-old boy's adorable reaction after he unwrapped an iPhone on Christmas Day has warmed the hearts of thousands.
Yeah, I know, a six-year-old with a smartphone. But that wasn't the most astonishing thing.

Far from iit...
Carli Swift, 30, from Anfield , Max's mum, said that he had 'no idea' he was about to receive an iPhone and that his reaction took her completely by surprise.
She told the ECHO : "He had no idea. He was so excited when he unwrapped it. He thought it was aftershave when he opened it."

Wait. What...?
"The thing is he would have been happy with that. He's dead understanding."

I just...



  1. A six-year-old boy's adorable reaction after he unwrapped an iPhone on Christmas Day has warmed the hearts of thousands.

    Thousands of what they don't specify. Certainly not responsible parents.

    But looking on the bright side, if they can afford gifts like this, they'll no doubt be up to date with the 'leccy' bills.

  2. long before it is smashed or nicked?

  3. "But looking on the bright side, if they can afford gifts like this, they'll no doubt be up to date with the 'leccy' bills."

    Oh, you cynic! ;)

    " long before it is smashed or nicked?"

    Well, it's the 14th today...
