Saturday 18 January 2020

Selective Efforts...

A serial killer might be on the loose, targeting gay men? *yawns*

Someone we don't like might get to go to a football match? All overtime is cancelled!

Scott Ivill, representing Robinson, told Luton Magistrates' Court it was not possible to tell if the videos had been tampered with.
Oh, surely not!


  1. bloke in Germany in Porto18 January 2020 at 11:23

    Er, all vacation is cancelled shurely?

  2. Our police really are the Common Purpose guided paramilitary wing of the establishment - thanks to Blair & Brown. Cameron didn't help much, either.

  3. "Er, all vacation is cancelled shurely?"

    That too!

    "Our police really are the Common Purpose guided paramilitary wing of the establishment..."

    And there seems no appetite to change things.
