Thursday 2 January 2020

Time To Act, Priti...

...and the first thing you should do is remind the press to classify them correctly:
The number of migrants arriving off the Sussex coast in small boats has soared in the past year.
These are illegal immigrants. Not 'migrants'.
In July, 38 migrants including several children, were rescued from dinghies off Hastings. A further 25 had to be rescued by lifeboat crews in December.
Police appealed for help tracking down a further group that made it to shore in October.
Why is the Border Force allowing them - in fact, helping them - to reach our shores? Do they need reminding what their job is?


  1. It seems that any fish caught anywhere in the North Sea or the English Channel automatically belong to the French: people caught in those waters are deemed to automatically belong to Britain.

  2. It's a tricky issue. As for me, I'd sink the boats and let them drown, as they are invaders. But then I'm not a mariner, and such people have a duty to others in distress at sea. It's a bit like Trinity House, who maintained the lighthouses showing lights despite blackouts during the war, as their duty and authorisation came from a Higher Power.

    Sadly, it's not as straightforward as one thinks, or might prefer. Perhaps returning the blighters would be the best policy, or billetting them on Lefties.

  3. Start a charity. The charity researches where all the judges, politicians, movers and shakers and powers that be live, and buys next door properties as they become available. And then house illegals there. (And selected early release prisoners as well. Murderers and rapists and reformed terrorists. And perhaps some "care in the community" folk too.)

  4. Give them lifejackets and sink their boats off Calais

  5. "...people caught in those waters are deemed to automatically belong to Britain."

    Funny how that works, eh? It's almost as if we were being taken for mugs. Well, not for too much longer.

    "Sadly, it's not as straightforward as one thinks, or might prefer. Perhaps returning the blighters would be the best policy..."

    It's a start. If that proves difficult, then I'm not for taking other options off the table.

    "And then house illegals there."

    I like the way you think!
