Thursday 20 February 2020

I Think Someone Needs A Dictionary....

They could look up the word 'rehabilitation' in it, for a start.
Benje Howard, also known as Kingdom Rapper, said he spent much of his childhood with the wrong people, becoming involved with gangs at a young age.
Who better to teach young people to steer clear of the wrong path in life..?
He will be working with up to 16 inmates serving time for assault, knife crime, gang and drug offences.
He told Nottinghamshire Live: "It is a music project with the inmates and we are going to record an album.
"They have stories too, even though they have committed a crime.
"They will already have a knowledge of rapping."
Yes. I just bet they do! So...why do they need more 'teaching'..?
A spokesman for the Ministry of Justice, which runs HMP Nottingham, said: "Kingdom Rapper has done work with HMP Nottingham over the last few months and we are looking at another project with him but it is too early to say what it will look like."
Oh, I don't think it is, somehow....


  1. 'Oh, I don't think it is, somehow...'


  2. These inmates only aspire to be rappers because the latter never finish a sentence.

  3. The Prison Service lost its way years ago. It was a professional service that did a good job but the government wanted it run on the cheap so out went the experienced long serving Officers and in came the dirt cheap priveteers. The rest as they say is history. At least they had the good sense to keep a few of the old staff who are used to put down the riots the priveteers can't handle or we would have mass escapes to contend with as well.

  4. Every time I read of a youth-from-a-certain-ethnic-group becoming a stab victim, I see (apart from the Mum's claim that he loved kittens, helped old ladies across the road, etc.) that he was "an aspiring rapper".

    Since "aspiring rapper" seems to be journalese for unemployed/unemployable drug dealer, surely these "lessons" are superfluous.

  5. "These inmates only aspire to be rappers because the latter never finish a sentence."


    "The Prison Service lost its way years ago."

    Like a lot of institutions.

    "Since "aspiring rapper" seems to be journalese for unemployed/unemployable drug dealer, surely these "lessons" are superfluous."

    As far as I'm concerned, they can kill each other off as often as they like.
