Monday 3 February 2020

It Should Be Classed As Suicide...

His friends have been left devastated following his death, with one saying: 'Jonny Halstead was taken far too soon.
'If you knew him and fancy doing one positive thing today try and support his family cover some costs.
'You had me in stitches every time we met.'
Another added: 'We lost a good friend yesterday.
'Lots of good memories to look back on but we would rather had him here to make some more.
'RIP Jonny.'
And another said: 'God I'm absolutely gutted. The saying is true he only takes the best.
'Jonny you will be missed so much by so many people. I wish it wasn't true.
One said: 'I was hoping to wake up and it all be a nightmare, unfortunately it's not and you really have gone, Jonny Halstead, can't get my head around it all.
'RIP you'll be missed.'
How did this man die?
A man was mauled to death after being 'bitten multiple times' by his pitbull after suffering a medical episode.
Police shot the dog after 35-year-old Jonny Halstead was killed at a property in Oldham, Greater Manchester.
Well, at least they save the taxpayer some money this time.


  1. Heartless, thoughtless and Premature Judgements, JuliaM!

    The deceased was in a coma and it is more than possible that the dog simply acted to protect Mr Halstead when police burst into the home.

    Never heard of 'Trigger-happy, armed cops who cover up fatal shootings with lies, my dear?

    Of course 'their' is no chance of connivance by a Dr Freddy Patel clone in the post mortem findings. If Mr Halstead's brain cavity is found to contain fragments of exploding police ammunition, no doubt the police version will change and the dog will be stitched-up as the shooter.

  2. I don't understand. I thought Pitbulls were illegal?

  3. Getting embarrassing again Melvin.

  4. You very readily embarrassed, WC Jaded. A feeling of inferiority or simple lack of confidence are the roots of the self-conscious reaction to undesired attention. Such situations (as would not trouble normal folk) are symptoms of a neurotic personality. Have the confidence to ask about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on your next visit to the STI clinic.

  5. "The deceased was in a coma and it is more than possible that the dog simply acted to protect Mr Halstead when police burst into the home."

    Wouldn't it have been expected to attack the 'intruders' then, not it's owner?

    "I don't understand. I thought Pitbulls were illegal?"

    They shouldn't exist. But a law is only as active as those that are charged with enforcing it...
