Thursday 13 February 2020

" was not what you expect in a family restaurant at lunchtime."

Sarah Pritchard, 35, lost her temper in the queue at the busy eatery, grappling with mum-of-one Joanne Blanche, 50. The victim was about to spoon a ladle of gravy over her roast potatoes when Pritchard grabbed her arm.
Totally understandable, as a non-gravy-user myself...
Others diners ran for cover as Pritchard grappled with mother-of-one Mrs Blanche at the counter.
Why? Did they fear getting caught in some sort of Brussel sprout-related crossfire?
No compensation order was made to Mrs Blanche who was left chicken and bruised by the attack just before Christmas.
I think that should have been 'shaken and bruised' but who knows what was on the menu?

H/T: Libertarian via email


  1. Gravy over the roast potatoes? That's a bit naff.

  2. "as a non-gravy-user myself..."

    *Deletes bookmark and walks off in a huff*

  3. As an older couple my wife and I have recently seen random and serious act of violence take place in public area's. Not only is this disturbing at the time it discourages people like us from using the high streets etc. My wife is now very reluctant to go into town even if I accompany her and much prefers the safety of online shopping. So much for regenerating town centres when they are becoming dangerous places even in the day time.

  4. "Gravy over the roast potatoes? That's a bit naff."


    "*Deletes bookmark and walks off in a huff*"

    It's the Devil's Saliva!

    "Not only is this disturbing at the time it discourages people like us from using the high streets etc. My wife is now very reluctant to go into town even if I accompany her and much prefers the safety of online shopping. "

    Understandable. And the result is evident in all our high streets.
