Tuesday 25 February 2020

No, There's No Bias Here...

...that's why we, the main stream media, are focussing on the fact one man wants to shoot a bear.

Rather than the far more newsworthy fact that lots of others apparently don't:
“We get thousands of applications,” Grasser said on Friday. Whether anyone won came down to “pure chance, luck of the draw”.
But in the case of the bear-hunt permit the president’s son won, there was little competition. Twenty-four tags for hunting bears in that region went unclaimed, Grasser said.
So, either bunnyhuggers are buying tags they don't intend to use to stop others bear hunting, or there's no longer much interest in bear hunting.

Isn't either of these far more potentially interesting to an anti-hunting journalist?


  1. Journalists, or rather people who think that they are journalists, wouldn't spot a story if it slapped them in the face.
