Monday 24 February 2020

Rue, Britania....

Britania Hunter, 18, of Foxhall Road, Nottingham, was in court for breaching a court order.
Does that name seem familiar? Well, it should.
Dawn Pritchard, in mitigation, urged Judge Gregory Dickinson QC to mark the breach with further rehabilitation activity days. "I urge you to make the minimum amount," said Miss Pritchard at Nottingham Crown Court.
"She is on track. She still has 19 to do."
She's not exactly shifting herself, is she?
She was one of six young women who were sentenced for affray arising from the incident involving Mariam at a bus stop in November 2018.
Hunter's sentence had been a community order for 12 months, 28 rehabilitation activity days and 40 hours of unpaid work.
That's most of them, then....
The judge gave her an extra five rehabilitation activity days "to get on and do this as soon as you can".
"I explained to you that this is not an option, it is not a choice. You must do it. You obviously took that firmly on board when we met last time. You have knuckled down".
She's done very little! What's the point of giving her more? At this rate, they'll still be outstanding when she's drawing an old age pension!

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