Saturday 29 February 2020

"So what a man gotta do? What a man gotta do? To be totally locked up by you?"

A father-of-three who punched an airline steward in the face during a drunken row before a stag party flight to Tenerife has escaped a jail term after blaming his boorish behaviour on...
Oooh, PTSD? A bad reaction to airsickness pills?
...the 'stress' of looking after his children.
Ginty, who has 15 previous convictions for 25 offences including possession of a firearm to cause fear, admitted assault and being drunk on the aircraft, but claimed that he had been stressed due to his daughter's self-harming.
Can't say I blame her...
Ginty, who is also the primary carer of two other young girls, must now complete 300 hours unpaid work, and seek therapy for 'stress'.
 How the hell is this man suitable to be a carer for anyone..?
Sentencing, Judge Sophie Mckone told Ginty that he had 'behaved like a drunken thug' and become 'abusive' to fellow passengers on May 8, 2018.
She added: 'You obviously have to appreciate entering an aircraft in that state then behaving in that way is very dangerous because it distracts the crew.
'You have started to have some therapy in relation to stress and I have thought very long and hard about this because you are the primary carer of two very young children who will be affected more than anybody if you were to be sent to prison.
'You have now made efforts to try and behave and in my view the public and safety of the public is best met by the sentence being suspended.'
Remember when we were told that more female judges were needed to 'enhance' the justice system?

Can anyone remember why...?


  1. Aside from the (non) punishment by the courts, couldn't the airline industry get together and refuse to fly this moron anywhere? To he banned by every airline should concentrate his mind somewhat.

  2. To be fair, most airline stewards deserve a punch in the face for being so camp ...

  3. Judge Sophie Mckone told Ginty that he had "behaved like a drunken thug"

    I wonder if Her Honour considered the possibility that he "behaved like a drunken thug" because he IS a drunken thug.

  4. It's usually a woman who gets away with a slap on the wrist because she's managed to have a few kids. It's quite a rarity for the same leniency to be accorded to a man.

    Not that the drunken thug should have been let off. Just saying.

  5. 'Ginty'. Demonstrably feral. A 'builder'. I wonder if tarmacking is one of the services he offers? What are the odds of his being of the peripatetic persuasion?

  6. Today's version of British justice at its best. Just don't try to avoid paying for your TV licence or you could end up in jail. In UK today the law is only really applied to those who are usually law abiding and will pay their fines, brave new world.

  7. The obvious question is - if he's caring for 3 children on his own, then how come he can swan off solo on a stag do to Tenerife? Where were the kids?
