Saturday 28 March 2020

Come In PC 601, Your Time Is Up...

The extraordinary incident took place outside the Grodzinski bakery in Edgware, north-west London, this morning, when police spotted the owner using a can of non-permanent spray chalk to help maintain social distancing of two metres.
And went over to congratulate her?, of course not.
The officer told the flabbergasted woman that she had graffitied the pavement and if police failed to punish crimes like these there would be 'anarchy', adding: 'I can't help the law. We're going to be ticketing soon to stop people congregating - is that wrong too?'.
 If you can't tell the difference, PC 601, then you shouldn't even be in the farce at all.
A witness who filmed the incident told the policeman: 'People are dying and this is what you care about, this is ridiculous, this is horrendous' and the officer replies: 'The law doesn't stop unfortunately. It's still a criminal offence. The law is the law and it doesn't change because of what is happening. There would be anarchy in the world'.
People have been urging the police to 'use their common sense' and police the new laws with discretion and judgement. But it seems PC 601 wasn't in the queue when those were handed out!

And for once, the Met have suddenly realised what's in store for them if they try to double down and back their moron no matter what:
A Met Police spokesperson said: 'The officer advised the woman that he was planning to issue a ticket for criminal damage. However, following a further conversation, no ticket was issued.
'The actions shown in this video do not reflect the current policing style that the MPS seeks to adopt. The officer has been spoken to and all staff on the borough will be reminded about using discretion where appropriate in these exceptional times.'
Why is he still on the farce at all? He should be retired along with this idiot.

Now, I don't doubt that the police are - mostly - doing the best job they can in the circumstances. But if they don't get a grip on the idiots amongst them, they risk losing what little respect they still maintain amongst Britain's law abiding majority.

And that's something even more dangerous than Kung Flu...


  1. So many of these idiots will believe their day has come - they're a police FORCE. Isn't it amazing, though, that there's no shortage of them but you try to get their attention with a burglary or a car theft or vandalism and they're run off their feet and just can't spare the time . . .

  2. "along with this idiot."
    Kevin Hurley famously wore a Parachute Regiment tie during his campaign to become Surrey PCC despite, apparently, never going close to a Parachute or even doing the pre para course. It has been said that his views during his tenure were often met with incredulity by experienced Police officers, though willingly accepted by those in top floor offices.
    Meanwhile, despite claims from Ms Dick that the Metpol will uphold the law, they are still not moving on the 7th Day Adventists, Mormons, and Buddhists, who clog up the streets of London, all within 2 metres of each other, praying. Oh, wait a minute....

  3. Easter Prayers from Huddersfield:

    Save us from an epidemic of idiots, pyschos, slackers and criminals in uniform.

    May our government prioritise the dismantling of the Plod 'service'.

    Sequestration of all police federation assets, together with arrest and trial of all 'despicably rotten' (thank you, Theresa) police federation criminals.

    With Love and Best Wishes from the comfort of a slightly worn armchair, to plod seeking alternative employment upon 'there' release from HMPS,

    Melvin. xxx

  4. This officer is an idiot and I'm not defending him. Stories like these undermines all the good work we do quietly and without fanfare. Frighteningly he seems to be a Sergeant not a PC. I hope he is getting the abuse he deserves.

  5. That thing shouldn't be in any sort of uniform. It should be in a day centre playing with plasticine. Perhaps, with intensive training, it might graduate to potato printing but I wouldn't bet my house on it. Actually, I retract that, don't waste that much public money. Just stick in a pot and give it a couple of drops of Baby Bio once a month.

  6. Here's the YouTube version:

    According to one comment the officer concerned "Has been spoken to", and the fine rescinded. I wonder why - too much bad publicity, perchance?

  7. I have a friend working in a major Farce and this level of retardation is far from an isolated case.

  8. Come back Inspector Gadget (preferably in a position with the authority to inject common sense. . .)

  9. Wow, they still have police in London. Out here in the provinces they are to the best of my knowledge an extinct species. You certainly never see them anywhere in the wild so speak. The nearest we get is the revenue gathering speed detector van that is always parked in the richest and quietest part of town and has Police written on the side of it.

  10. That condemnation for a moronic police sergeant is an extraordinarily new tactic. Extra portions of fish kicking in, Jaded?

  11. "So many of these idiots will believe their day has come..."

    Because it has...

    "Meanwhile, despite claims from Ms Dick that the Metpol will uphold the law, they are still not moving on the 7th Day Adventists, Mormons, and Buddhists, who clog up the streets of London, all within 2 metres of each other, praying. "

    It's not helping 'community cohesion' much, is it?

    "This officer is an idiot and I'm not defending him."

    Very sensible.

    "I have a friend working in a major Farce and this level of retardation is far from an isolated case."

    Coronavirus is the least of our problems, then!!

  12. Huddersfield update:

    Suspiciously quiet on the Northern front. The Fallschirmjäger were suddenly recalled last night; presumably airlifted back to Hauptquartieren. In the meantime, hurried tests are being conducted on samples drawn from our main reservoirs, checking for Kommando sabotage by cobalt-60 and potassium cyanide.

  13. Julia, whilst many of the reports and especially the video of Muslims allegedly flouting social distancing guidelines are of dubious provenance, one particular video being put around by Old Holborn, which I've linked to below in my latest piece, does look much more genuine and much more current. BTW various Islamic grievance mongers such as Tell Mama are desperate to play down these stories of Muslims failing to engage in social distancing yet the infection figures in areas where there are a lot of Muslims tells a radically different story.
