Monday 16 March 2020

Expect To See More Cases Like This...

Ashleigh and Ged Barnett allege that until the one-to-one sessions began last September, their daughter appeared comfortable in her body and showed little interest in transgender issues.
But they say she had changed completely by November, sporting a short haircut and talking about feeling that she was really a boy. They were confused by the transformation until they met her headteacher to discuss another matter and learned that their daughter had been having weekly sessions with the head of the school’s LGBT group.
A group that cannot reproduce in the normal manner has only one option to increase its numbers.

And that's to recruit.
The couple said they were furious when they found school staff had let the teenager attend the sessions ‘behind our backs’.
Mrs Barnett said: ‘The school didn’t think it was fit to tell us. We are her parents, but responsibility to care for our child has been taken away. The attitude is that it’s the child’s choice and it’s got nothing to do with us.
‘Children at 13 or 14, especially girls, are sometimes not happy in their own bodies – that’s what puberty does to you. They are very vulnerable. It only takes one person with an agenda to plant a little seed that they are “in the wrong body”.’
Unfortunately, it's not 'just one person' with an agenda. There's a whole bunch of them, and they are becoming increasingly vocal.

And the people who should be standing firm against them are instead shuffling their feet, coughing and looking away sheepishly.
In recent email correspondence with the couple, headteacher Jane Davies said she believed their daughter should be left to use the changing facilities she preferred.
‘We will continue to provide a safe environment for [your child], but it is not our place to alert you to how she feels,’ she wrote. ‘It is important that you understand that she is old enough to make her own decisions.’
If she decided to skip school, would this useful idiot think she was old enough to make that decision? She's bloody thirteen!
Their daughter is now seeing a psychologist, who said it was ‘appalling’ that schools had ‘unqualified people mentoring young students’.
It's more than appalling. It's a national scandal.
Eikon chief executive Chris Hickford said: ‘The suggestion any Eikon member of staff would train others to radicalise young people is not at all accurate. The training assistant may well have been at professional networking events that Eikon also attended or helped facilitate, but Eikon has not provided LBGT+ training to him.’
What do you think these 'networking' events are, then?


  1. Would it be equally OK if strapping, horny teenage boys decided to use the girls' changing room, then?

  2. The school shouldn't have gone behind the parents backs. It is a parental matter after all. When I was a young girl I wanted to be a boy but it was just a phase. I am pleased there was no pressure in those days. There should be places for the young to go to for personal matters but they should be run by qualified people and parents should be informed. Schools should be places of learning with counselling only when necessary with parental involvement.

  3. And a large minority (likely to increase) discover they made a collosal mistake - and would like to detransition.

    Unfortunately some find out they can't - in any meaningful way, so conclude that suicide is their only way out.

  4. Schools are infested with Common Purpose types, who allow these minority pressure groups in to confuse and distort impressionable young minds. Also perverting primary ages youngsters are drag queens (story time) and a vile group called Mermaids (who promote the "T" faction).

  5. Julia, your comment re the only way they can increase their numbers is to recruit is a perfect way to make people think twice about this scandal. Thank you for that, I will put it to good use.

  6. "Would it be equally OK if strapping, horny teenage boys decided to use the girls' changing room, then?"

    Under the current proposals, that's exactly what could happen...

    "Schools should be places of learning with counselling only when necessary with parental involvement."

    I'm actually OK about schools having a counselling role...but only when they've proven they can do the 'learning' bit right first. And the jury's most definitely out on that.

    "And a large minority (likely to increase) discover they made a collosal mistake - and would like to detransition."

    Yes. More drain on the NHS.

  7. "Schools are infested with Common Purpose types..."

    If only it was just schools...

    "Thank you for that, I will put it to good use."

    You're welcome!
