Monday 2 March 2020

I'm Not Sure We Need To Be Concerned About Brain Damage...

Not for any of the parties involved, actually...
Two teenage boys suffered fractured skulls after "goading" a woman to drive off while they were sitting on the boot of her car.
Were they random yobs? Well, no:
The incident happened as Johns picked the boys up from a house in Gayton, after a camp out.
Prosecutor Eleanor Sheerin told the bench that the pair were sitting on the boot of the car after equipment had been put in it.
"They were goading Miss Johns into driving while they were on the boot of the car," she said.
"Miss Johns then did that, causing the boys to fall off. Both fractured their skulls. They also suffered significant cuts and bruises to other parts of the body."
She's clearly none too smart herself:
Johns also pleaded guilty to both obstructing and assaulting a police officer in a separate incident at her home on January 5. The court heard that an arrest of someone in the property was to be made over an arson incident. Johns refused to hand over a mobile phone, kicking out and making contact with an officer.

H/T: Dave Ward via email


  1. Sadly it's possible to see such foolish behaviour regularly. It's all somebody else's fault you see and the taxpayer will pick up the bill every time. I wonder how much this prank cost the NHS?

  2. "Almost Darwin in action..."

    Sadly, I suspect all involved have passed on their defective genes...

    "Sadly it's possible to see such foolish behaviour regularly. "

    I wonder if #Coronavirus lockdown will halt it?
