Saturday 21 March 2020

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste, Eh, Open Borders Advocates..?

Farzana Khan (writer and community organiser) in the 'Guardian':
While we want to highlight the importance of community organising, local action alone isn’t enough. The truth is that we are trying to plug gaps left by the government, which is why we’re calling on it to match the community spirit and solidarity of our network by quickly pushing ahead with measures such as guaranteed sick pay for all, expanding free wifi to those without an internet connection, support for renters and the release of immigration detainees.
Ah, yes, of course. In amongst the 'waah, give people more taxpayer cash' demands, she can't help but slip in the usual goal, can she?
In conjunction with local work, these government decisions would protect people at the sharpest end of inequality in the UK.
These people aren't from the UK. We owe them nothing but a speedy return to their home countries.


  1. It's like you said. Send them back to their own countries. We have enough to deal with.

  2. While we are doing all this why not provide free unicorn rides for everyone.

  3. So a proposal to release a whole bunch of people with no permanent residence, in a period when everyone is being told to minimise movement and stay at home. Untraceable people too! It's about as batshit as a proposal can go.

    They can take three of them at their place, if they want, but no-one should be released who has nowhere to stay.

  4. We're getting a lot of interesting contact from local pubs, offering to help with supplies, take-outs etc.

    Now that's the way for businesses to survive - do it yourself, take the initiative, not sit back whinging about not enough hand-outs!

    Our pub has new tenants, and they're doing everything they can and more, such that we in-roaded on our pensions to buy in! They were delighted and so were we!

    Now that's the spirit that true Brits espouse, not continual whining victim-hood from the compo-loving sub-races who have never contributed anything to our country.

  5. Whining special interest groups need to be told - forcefully - that nobody has time for their bullshit right now. Or indeed ever again.

  6. I note that our friends from the Religion of Piss are still congregating in mosques (no doubt why London and the West Midlands are hotspots for the virus). Couldn't care less if they kill each other but they'll clog up the hospitals and pass it on to everyone else. Bastards.

  7. " We have enough to deal with."

    And still they come...

    "They can take three of them at their place, if they want, but no-one should be released who has nowhere to stay."

    Spot on!

    "Now that's the way for businesses to survive - do it yourself, take the initiative, not sit back whinging about not enough hand-outs!"

    I'm seeing a lot more localism. I expect the government to crack down on it as soon as they notice, too. Can't have self-reliant people, can we?

    "Whining special interest groups need to be told - forcefully - that nobody has time for their bullshit right now. "

    Sadly, I suspect that in government, they still have plenty of time. Even more than usual, actually!

    "I note that our friends from the Religion of Piss are still congregating in mosques..."

    They shouldn't be now.

    I wonder if the police are monitoring those as assiduously as they monitor the local park to make sure Mr Carpenter isn't taking his dog for TWO walks..?
