Sunday 29 March 2020

"Professional Signwriters? Why Would We Need Those?"

"We've got a printer, after all..."


  1. At least it doesn't say NO ENGLISH like a notice on one of our local cafe windows used to say. Police made them take it down after a FEW WEEKS!

  2. Not too close, I hope? This 2 metre rule still applies, you know, even if it is a Sunday!

  3. Well it is badly worded with bad grammar. However, I do understand what it means. I tend to make allowances for people for whom English is a second language as I don't speak any foreign apart from a really feeble attempt at French.

  4. "At least it doesn't say NO ENGLISH like a notice on one of our local cafe windows used to say."

    Were they trying to keep out English customers? Or warn them that no-one spoke it?

    "I tend to make allowances for people for whom English is a second language..."

    Like 'Mail' editors..? ;)
