Monday 9 March 2020

They Hunt In Packs Now...

A mum claims a gang attacked her son “like a pack of wolves” outside a Southend seafront pub.
The woman, who would not be named, said her son was stabbed by a gang of five outside Chinnery’s pub in Marine Parade.
A gang chased a teenager into a restaurant before beating him up, an eyewitness says. The group, in their teens, followed the boy in Wickford High Street on Monday, before chasing him across incoming traffic and cornering him inside a pizza restaurant on the road.
Unruly youths brawled with passengers and a conductor on board a train. The teenagers reportedly kicked and bit a group travelling from Worthing towards Durrington in the early hours of Sunday morning. One man who was attacked said he had gone to a gig but ended up “having a scrap” with the goading yobs. The incident was filmed on mobile phones, he said.
This is the Britain the progressives built...


  1. Having seen such attacks several times recently in my own area and no police anywhere to be seen I wonder how long it will be until people start to arm themselves. The rule of law is now a bad joke and the alternative is every man for himself.

  2. What are they going to arm themselves with..?
