Tuesday 24 March 2020

Utter Insanity...

...not to mention a total waste of resources:
The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) was called to probe how Sussex Police Chief Constable Giles York responded to an incident last year.
Mr York spotted 37-year-old Ryan Prince in distress on the A264 near Pease Pottage at lunchtime on July 25.
And just drove on by, callously abandoning an innocent to his fate?

Well...no, actually. Sorry Melvin!
He was the only driver to stop to try help Mr Prince, who had taken cocaine and later died in hospital from multi-organ failure.
So why on earth was he investigated?
Because of the death and the contact between Mr Prince and Mr York, the IOPC were called in.
And as bureaucracies the world over do, they chose to press on despite the obvious inappropriateness of any action. Why not? It's only taxpayer money, after all...
Coroner Veronica Hamilton-Deeley said Mr York’s actions were “exemplary”. Mr Prince died from a drug related death the conclusion was misadventure.
And what do the IOPC have to say for themselves?
IOPC regional director Sarah Green said: “My thoughts remain with Mr Prince’s family, friends and all those affected by his death.
“Our investigation concluded there was no indication officers may have breached standards of professional behaviour.”
You really needed to investigate to know that?

And what about some thoughts for the officer who was needlessly investigated, instead of the drug taking moron who could easily have killed others as well as himself?


  1. There's a place called 'Pease Pottage'? Really?

  2. Come on Julia, the investigation is standard procedure when someone dies in the presence of a police officer, it isn't an attack on the officer. You've been reading or watching TV too much. For the media, the investigation means that the person investigated has done something wrong. This is judging guilt in the wrong way.

    It's even worse when a professional is suspended, because that mud sticks.

    But the investigation itself is neutral. In this situation the officer's conduct was exemplary, and he was publicly commended. What's wrong with that?

    I personally think the officer should be more than commended.

    If, like me, you are prepared to criticise poor performance, you must compliment performance that is exemplary. SOmetimes you must also reward it. Pour encourager les autres doen't just mean the firing squad.


  3. "Utter Insanity..." Obviously you researched this matter thoroughly, Julia. Oh, you didn't?

    Chief Constable Giles York first caught my eye through a DM article accusing him of persistently ducking press scrutiny during the frequent times when his force was under fire; also accusing him of PR appearances for 'charity events'. And I recall the private fee-earning Mr York, as the chappie who won a Gaffe Award for his fight against gender equality.

    However, let us quickly skip to that other fight...the lethal one with Mr Prince. The one where the pie-eating champion oozed out of his suspension-strengthened car and blobbed a frail Mr Prince, squashing him face down. What's that...you didn't catch sight of that report? Gosh - you also appear to be unaware that during the investigation of yet another unnecessary death in police custody, 'problems were found' with the Body Worn Video equipment, which were fully operational on Mr Giles' colleagues when they arrived at the scene. Recording equipment that suddenly (honest, Guv) naughtily glitched and switched off. Like 'cos things break, don't they?'

    Just to reassure you, Julia, Sussex Police have now accepted that Lesson Were Learned about naughty cameras failing to make recordings of incidents which might either prejudice plod interests or incriminate uniformed individuals, their mates and relatives.

    Mr Giles' other distinguished roles in crime include shady links with ACPO.

  4. Eric from Chilwell24 March 2020 at 19:54

    I am astonished that a senior police manager actually got out of his car to attend an incident. It is more than a senior met officer did when one of his constables was being murdered outside parliament

  5. Yet another police incident that the Huddersfield expert witnessed first hand. He's everywhere. Except in his shed when it's getting broken into.

  6. Gosh, WC Jaded....you have the time to monitor this blog when you could be out helping your colleagues ransack the homes of the dead?

  7. Plenty of time for blog monitoring Melvin. In these troubled times your hilarious rants keep us all amused.
    As for the ransacking jibe...yes I'm aware of the very rare case you being snidey about. Fortunately the industry you work in has 100% exemplary employees. Which was what again????....tumbleweed....

  8. To be honest, given the lack of trust in the police force (and their propensity to lie through their teeth whenever caught doing something they shouldn't be), I'm quite glad that any death where a police officer is involved is investigated, regardless of the circumstances. If they weren't they might get the idea they could kill people with impunity.......

  9. "But the investigation itself is neutral."

    Is it? Would most police agree?

    The officer should indeed be commended, but do you think he feels that the investigation was warranted, in the circumstancea?

    "What's that...you didn't catch sight of that report?"

    You'll be able to provide a link, then?

    What's that? You didn't? Oh.

    "It is more than a senior met officer did when one of his constables was being murdered outside parliament"

    Heh! I guess they aren't all the same, eh?

    "If they weren't they might get the idea they could kill people with impunity....."

    Given the way some forces are behaving over corona, you may well be right!
