Thursday 9 April 2020

Gosh, It's Almost As If Criminals Don't Obey The Law..!

...isn't it, 'Echo'?


  1. If he has been ignoring the lockdown he is in pretty serious trouble. The police are going to be on his case in no time at all.

  2. Huddersfield's biggest criminals have ignored lockdown in order to pursue the gold rush in Will Writing. Proving that you can't keep a bad solicitor down.

  3. He is keeping 2M separation. I bet Plod violate that in there pursuit of lockdown breakers. How long before someone sues because Plod gave them Covid19.

  4. Talking with a policeman the other day I learnt that DVLA have decided that, for the duration of the emergency/lock-down, the police should not act on untaxed/un-MOT'd/uninsured cars.
    Yes, there is a waiver on MOTs which expired after 1st April, but an MOT that expired in 2018?

  5. "If he has been ignoring the lockdown he is in pretty serious trouble. The police are going to be on his case in no time at all."

    Unless he happens to be from a protected culture.

  6. No doubt if he had been apprehended he would just have been told to go home immediately.

  7. But this is only burglary, we all know the Police are not interested in such things. If your lucky you might get a crime number but in any case it's an insurance matter. Just pay the increased Police charge on your council tax, stop bothering the Police and just get on with bring a good little victim.

  8. Nemesis. Your unnamed policeman is wrong. Mot only is exempt. The other two offences are being enforced.
    Police don't prosecute for tax offenses before you all jump down my throat.

  9. Jaded,
    Thanks for that - I had reported, on line, and there was a call which basically said "'cos of Covid, DVLA have given him a free pass".
    "Jump down your throat"? - I don't think so, you could take over from Gadget.

  10. "The police are going to be on his case in no time at all."

    You jester, you... ;)

    "How long before someone sues because Plod gave them Covid19."

    I bet there's a few legal aid lawyers feverishly prepping right this minute...

    "I had reported, on line, and there was a call which basically said "'cos of Covid, DVLA have given him a free pass"."

    Sounds like it the public sector who aren't working joined up again. Are we all shocked?
