Thursday 30 April 2020

I Thought Sunlight Was The Best Disinfectant?

Michelle Palmer’s solicitor, Patrick Maguire, said: “It has always been our position this matter proceed in confidence. It is with regret that the Metropolitan police have decided to publicly state that a claim is being intimated.”
Why wouldn't you want this in the public domain?
In a statement issued through her lawyers, Michelle Palmer said: “It was always of paramount importance that this matter remained private out of respect for me, my daughter and Keith. I am disappointed that the Met have made it public that a claim is being brought.
“Once more I feel disappointed and let down. This is not the respectful actions I, nor Keith, would have expected from an organisation that he dedicated his life to. It continues to feel as if our wishes are of little importance.”
You're claiming that his employers were negligent. Given who his employers were, there's significant public interest in both the claim, and the outcome of court proceedings.


  1. Sunlight is indeed the finest disinfectant in the world BUT this is England where for generations such matters have been sorted out quietly to the mutual satisfaction of the parties involved and at the tax payers expence. Never forget all settlements made by public bodies are done with your money but good luck with finding out any details.

  2. Eric from Chillwell2 May 2020 at 19:28

    No mention of the criminal negligence of an Assistant Commissioner who sat in his car cowering whilst one of his own was murdered

  3. "...and at the tax payers expence."

    Oh, when isn't it us on the hook? If she wins, we know who'll ultimately pay.

    "No mention of the criminal negligence of an Assistant Commissioner who sat in his car cowering whilst one of his own was murdered"

    Everyone seems to have forgotten that. How convenient.
