Sunday 5 April 2020

Oh. I Get It Now! the 'Mail', they just assemble the headlines, they don't write them!


  1. They are a mortal danger to public health)

  2. Even could plod understand.

  3. Did not a Star Wars thing like this talk?
    Or was it Unwin Prof, all aforetimed the mailpap?

  4. The average DM reader (and they are very average) doesn't read more than the first couple of words, because they already know what it'll be about. So, the lack of literate subs makes no difference - the messages (essentially just confirming what they already believe) can be bonkers by the 2nd sentence - no-one will read them anyway.
    When my daughters had pet rabbits, they would shit on most newspapers, but never the DM. Discerning animals, rabbits.

  5. Just give the frontline services weekly doses of hydroxychloroquine like India. It never harmed me or my neighbours when I lived in a malarial area.

  6. "Did not a Star Wars thing like this talk?"

    True, true!

    "When my daughters had pet rabbits, they would shit on most newspapers, but never the DM. Discerning animals, rabbits."


    "Just give the frontline services weekly doses of hydroxychloroquine like India. "

    It does have some bad side effects if the dosage isn't spot on, though...
