Wednesday 8 April 2020

Only In Brighton...

A charity has issued a warning about [redacted] during the coronavirus crisis.
Have a guess, go on!
A charity has issued a warning about the purity of street drugs during the coronavirus crisis.
Yup, you really couldn't make it up, could you?
Pavilions, the drug and alcohol service based in Richmond Road, Brighton, has said that due to travel restrictions, the purity of street drugs may decrease soon.
A spokesman said: “This will mean that drugs bought on the street could be a lot more dangerous, especially if you have symptoms of Covid-19.”
I was about to dig out my tiny violin, then I realised it was still far too big for this...
The charity has issued the following advice to drug users.
It said:
  • Buy only from someone you trust
  • If buying something different, do some research on it first
  • Test a small amount first
  • If drugs look unusual or smell weird, do not use them
  • If you are feeling ill, use less than usual
  • Never use alone
  • Never share equipment
  • If you feel ill call 999.
I note that what's missing from there is 'Don't take illegal drugs'...


  1. Most ODs are happy volunteers.

  2. Oh sure. Call 999 and add to the NHS workload.

  3. Is Brighton twined with "The Twilight Zone"? Based upon this and other things I seen reported about the place I think they may be spaced out enough without the need for further pharmaceutical assistance. I wonder how many young ladies there are called Alice? Because they are clearly in Wonderland.

  4. Robert the Biker8 April 2020 at 10:25

    "If you feel ill call 999" and we'll all come round to point and laugh.
    I wonder who pays for these twats who are more concerned with the human shit who blight our lives (most of them are petty street crims) rather than the good people whose lives are made miserable by them. Would I be wrong in guessing its the taxpayer?

  5. Let them take as much as they like. Perhaps the government would subsidise their illegal purchases by paying 80% of the cost. It would be a small investment to make but with massive savings for the NHS in the long run.

  6. "If you feel ill, call 999".
    Then, if they are taken to hospital, they will be tested for CV19. It seems that druggies, and illegal immigrants imported by Border Farce, are given priority over front line NHS staff and carers. It's like a scene from Little Britain.

  7. Or just prepare additional Darwin Awards.

  8. The sooner they all drug themselves into the grave...

  9. "Oh sure. Call 999 and add to the NHS workload."

    A good dose of COVID19 could only improve the country's drug taking popuylation...

    "Is Brighton twined with "The Twilight Zone"?"

    I think it's more like 'The Outer Limits'...

    "Would I be wrong in guessing its the taxpayer?"

    No, you'd never be wrong in that... *sighs*

  10. "Let them take as much as they like."

    They will!

    "The sooner they all drug themselves into the grave..."

