Friday 3 April 2020

Utter Cowardice...

Police were called after reports that up to 100 mourners - including a Birmingham MP - turned up at a city cemetery for a funeral - in defiance of the coronavirus lockdown.
Officers were alerted by worried staff after a large crowd gathered at the gates of Sutton New Hall Cemetery yesterday, Wednesday, April 1.
And sprang into action, keen to ensure that the emergency legislation was followed, without fear or favour, right?
West Midlands Police confirmed it was alerted to reports of a large crowd but officers found 15 mourners in family groups observing social distance rules.
No action was taken.
Oh. So, groups of 15 are OK after all?
Only six mourners are now permitted at any funeral in the city under Covid-19 restrictions.
Imagine my surprise...


  1. Plod...we all know them better as corrupt, lazy and useless jobsworths.

    Now that they have added 'political' and 'spineless' to their cv, council tax payers can only encourage this farce by paying their precepts.

    When the looting begins in certain parts of the UK...and it will, plod will scurry for cover like cockroaches hide from the light.

  2. This incident wouldn't have been worth commenting on if it were not for previous incidents were they have been stupidly heavy handed to contrast with.

  3. ..... Labour MP Tahir Ali .....

    rules are for the little people

  4. Britain's police. Fearless and brave in the face of peaceful Jewish bakers and Derbyshire dog walkers yet craven and cowardly when it comes to tackling members of Britain's Islamic community.

  5. They really aren't even pretending to be even handed now are they?

  6. "When the looting begins in certain parts of the UK...and it will, plod will scurry for cover like cockroaches hide from the light."

    Well, we already saw that in the London riots, without coronavirus in the mix...

    "...rules are for the little people..."


    "...yet craven and cowardly when it comes to tackling members of Britain's Islamic community."

    Spot on!

    "They really aren't even pretending to be even handed now are they?"

    No, but now they've been told to wind their necks in by the Home Sec, we might see a few pauses...
