Tuesday 21 April 2020

We Shell Out £1.9M Of Taxpayer Money For This Bunch..?

Well, well, well....it appears that there's so little 'Islamaphobia' around that Islamic grievance mongers 'Tell Mama' are now climbing aboard the 'what about the poor oppressed traveler community' bandwagon:

It appears their trigger is a Channel 4 programme on the suffering of those who have to put up with traveller encampments. Naturally, that's not what this bunch want to hear:

YCMIU, could you?

H/T: Fahrenheit211 via Gab


  1. Good piece thanks for highlighting this case. What galls me about Tell Mama in this instance and indeed is what is telling about their priorities,is that TM obviously do not give a monkey's chuff about all the people who suffer from Traveler crime, Traveler disorder, Traveler violence along with the sheer mess and misery that the Travelers bring to normal law abiding communities but only care for the Traveler troublemakers. Says a lot about TM doesn't it? It's disgusting the amount of public money that has been wasted on both Tell Mama and some of their founders other projects such as a 'caring for Islamic converts' project.

  2. Tell Mama have form as grievance mongers sponging off the taxpayer. If they are complaining about anything it seems that somebody else is getting it right. They would complain about a rainy day (being the fault of a nebulous, vaguely defined "far right/white/islamophobic" (delete as applicable) group) if it meant more money for them. Obviously their own community is not "enriched" by travellers and their tune will change if said travellers drop anchor next to them.

  3. Michael, you are correct in your assessment of Tell Mama. To them everything is 'racist' or 'Islamophbbic' or 'far right', even those individuals and groups that are centrist/centre right but who have criticisms of Islam. The foray by TM into the area of Travelers is tone deaf to the cries of those who suffer from the many afflictions that Travelers bring.

  4. Robert the Biker21 April 2020 at 12:29

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if the pikey shit were to all turf up in Tower Hamlets so the monkey-boys could show us their wonderful tolerance. I predict riots and mayhem, but fortunately there would be no injury to normal people.

  5. I may, just may, change my mind about the Caravan Utilising Nomadic TravellerS if anyone, that includes Tell Mama, can give an example of them leaving a village green, car park, children's play area, or cricket pitch in as good as, or even better, condition when they leave than it was in when they trespassed on it. I also wonder if anyone can give an example of crime levels going DOWN when the travellers arrive?
    Over to you, TM.

  6. "...thanks for highlighting this case."

    Thanks for the tip!

    " If they are complaining about anything it seems that somebody else is getting it right. "

    They are indeed providing a service that way! I know I pay more attention to anyone they criticise, and not in the way I suspect they intend... ;)

    " I predict riots and mayhem, but fortunately there would be no injury to normal people."

    I'll bring the popcorn!

    "...can give an example of them leaving a village green, car park, children's play area, or cricket pitch in as good as, or even better, condition when they leave than it was in when they trespassed on it. "

    That'll happen when Satan starts browsing Amazon for ice skates.

  7. My own best memory of how the alleged ‘Travellers’ ought to be treated is when I was a senior site engineer with Thames Water. One part of my project was the intake works for a tunnel carrying water into Central London. Part of the site, adjacent to the treatment works wasn’t fenced off, and one morning, about twenty buses, caravans, horses and the usual bunch of zero-IQ morons slouched onto the site, set themselves in a semi-circle, and parked up.My mate raised the alarm, but the senior bloke at the treatment works said, “dinna worry, Man; we saw them coming, and we have made the necessary arrangements”.

    And they certainly had. About twenty minutes after they arrived, a JCB low loader appeared down the track, with a bucket full of fly-infested garbage scraped off the grates at the intake works. It was really ripe, stunk to high heaven, just a welcoming present. The driver proceeded to dump the whole heap about three yards away from the buses, lifted his bucket, and commenced his run back for more. The ‘leader’ shouted at us that we couldn’t do this, as they had a legal tight to park up. My mate replied, “We’re not disputing that, we’re just depositing our tailing rubbish there, because that’s our legal right as well. Its our land, so we can do what we want.”

    Ten minutes later, the whole sorry caravan of losers trailed dismally down the track, and left us in peace.
